11 August 2008

A Brain Cloud?

I'm currently on day 9 of a headache. It's not nearly as bad as day 1 was, but still somewhat unpleasant. This is the first time in about 3 years that I've had a headache last longer than 2 days. I really hoped the long, drawn-out ones were behind me. Sadly, I was wrong.

I've been wrong before. But this is something I didn't want to be wrong about. So back we go to examining the ingredients in everything I eat, avoiding foods I really like (farewell bacon, I'll miss you!), and receiving acupuncture treatments. Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to the acupuncture - it was a very positive experience the last time, and it really seemed to help. Whether it was a placebo effect or not, the headaches went away, which is all I care about.

The timing really couldn't be worse. I'm starting an intensive certification course tomorrow - after 7 years of teaching ESL, I decided it was time to get some formal training. I'll be in class from 9-3 daily, and doing homework for pretty much the rest of each day. A prolonged headache might make that a bit more difficult. Luckily, I'm becoming an expert in ignoring my head. What head? There's nothing whatsoever above my neck, what are you talking about?

So that's what's going on in my world, and what will be going on until September. Don't worry or feel bad if I don't contact you or return your calls for a while. It simply means I'm insanely busy with homework. Or that my head has exploded.