25 March 2012

Fire Walk With Me

Spring has finally arrived, which is making my time in Malatya much more bearable. It's amazing how a weather shift can suddenly make me so much more content with the time I still have to spend here.

Last week, there was a celebration on campus to welcome the first day of spring. They started with a group of folk dancers, then a musical performance, and ended with people jumping over a bonfire. Yup, they lit a fire in the middle of campus, and students & teachers jumped over it. I chose not to join in, but it was very entertaining to watch.

This week is midterm week, which means I only have 2 actual days of work - apart from grading my exams, of course. I'm thinking about leaving town for a few days, but I can't decide where to go, and whether I want to do a solo trip. I may just end up hibernating & trying to figure out my plans for next year.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is getting some nice spring weather. Go soak up some vitamin D!