25 November 2007

Where Ya Been, Marv?

OK, it's been a little longer than I expected, but I think things have finally settled down somewhat. I've moved into a friend's house in West Seattle, and am s-l-o-w-l-y getting settled in. I keep looking at my pile of boxes and wondering what might be in them - some of them have been in storage for the last 4 years.

I greatly enjoyed my first family Thanksgiving since 2002, even with 4 pre-teens sliding down the stairs and fighting all day. I'd forgotten how much I like the whole process, from the food preparation all the way to the next morning, when we spend hours making traditional Norwegian Christmas cookies.

The job is going really well, despite the lack of time to do anything other than work. My students are really great, the other teachers are wonderfully helpful, and I've been invited back for winter quarter.

Overall, everything's good at the moment. Now I'm just hoping the Cougars can shape up and win the Apple Cup. Go Cougs!


Lisaopolis said...

Awwwww yeah, Apple Cup 2007, excellent win, GO COUGS! At least it was a close game til the end...(after the first 5 minutes I was not holding my breath...)

David Miller said...

I was actually going to watch the Apple Cup this year, and while I was wondering what time it would be today (Sunday), I realized that today was Sunday. Go cougs!

Hippy Goodwife said...

Welcome back!