11 July 2008

B4...and After!

You may recall, back in January, I mentioned the chair I was re-upholstering. Well, I actually finished it! A while ago. Then, slightly less of a while ago, I received a digital camera for my birthday. Yes, I've finally upgraded from the cheesy plastic camera I've had since I joined the Peace Corps in 1995. And so, I present you with one of my greatest personal accomplishments to date.

First, the before picture. Notice the sagging seat, which I had to completely rebuild twice, because the instructor had me do it wrong the first time. I'm over it now.

And here it is, the after photo. I know, floral? But somehow, it works for me. I wanted to keep it feeling like a grandmother's chair. And I got to use purple trim!
So there you have it. Quite possibly the last major craft-like project I will ever attempt. But I have to admit, it was fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shocked and appalled...a COUG using anything PURPLE?? somehow, I'll find it in my heart to forgive..not sure T can..but I'll bring him around...
now will you fix MY sagging seat???
*L* nice job!!